Your customized meal plan

  • Your daily calorie intake is 2245 calories
  • Your BMR is 1461 calories
  • Your daily protein intake should be 126 gr
  • Your daily fat intake should be 69 gr
  • Your daily carb intake should be 281 gr
Select 2 choices
Select 2 choices
Select 2 choices

Crash course on Fasting

  • Fasting ends around lunch time. E.g. 1 or 2pm
  • The last meal of the previous day should be between 8pm to 10pm
  • While fasting, you should have 1 or 2 cups of coffee during the morning to further activate the fat burning process1.
  • During a fat burning diet, the amount of protein consumed should be high. It should be between 100-140 grams protein max2. This is because protein makes you feel fuller and therefore you eat less(among other benefits).
  • During the feeding period (after lunch, between 2pm to 10pm), as prescribed by the diet above, eat plenty of veggies.
  • Non guilty snacks that help quite a lot with dieting include diet cola (I prefer Pepsi Max), Diet Jelly (tastes amazing and makes you quite full) and some variations of Konjac Noodles (basically no calories)
  • References

    1. Acheson, K J et al. “Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals.” The American journal of clinical nutrition vol. 33,5 (1980): 989-97. doi:10.1093/ajcn/ 33.5.989
    2. Pikosky, Matthew A et al. “Increased protein maintains nitrogen balance during exercise-induced energy deficit.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise vol. 40,3 (2008): 505-12. doi:10.1249/ MSS.0b013e31815f6643